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Writer's pictureSara Zober

Synagogue Tech: one year in

I don't know about you, but it feels lately like nothing in rabbinical school actually trained me for the rabbinate. I trained for a certain kind of rabbinate: text sheets, Torah study, pastoral care, adult education sessions, all (at first) under the tutelage of a wise Senior Rabbi. Instead, I'm at a solo with my spouse as my co-rabbi, creating digital resources for congregants, teaching on Zoom, renderings videos and buying audio equipment, making alllllll the PowerPoint presentations, and finding ways to optimize the way we work so we can get it all done and still have time for the, yanno, Jewish stuff.

It's been a harrowing year where I've felt like we've mostly been flying by the seat of our pants and making it up as we go along, but I'm getting better at some things. And that's coming a long way from being the one who got the "Least Technological Award" in rabbinical school (especially because I just got ordained not even 3 years ago)!

Me, posing with my paper plate award. It reads: "Least Technological: The Old-School Award, Sara Otero-Eiser (my single lady last name) 2016"
I'm awfully happy about knowing bupkis about tech.

99% of what I use is stuff most people have free or low-cost access to (because we're a little shul), and when it's something that costs more than like... $20, I have a darn good reason for doing it. I'll be highlighting some of my tips and tricks here on the blog, because I'm learning that others don't have access to an office full of tech-savvy Gen Xers and Millenials like we do.

Feel free to take any of the ideas I post here and run with them, just please attribute them. I worked super hard on this stuff. And tell your friends (and maybe have the URJ hire me to do some tech consults with my super tech-savvy friends).

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