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  • Writer's pictureSara Zober

How-To Slideshows: Shabbat Table and Havdalah

Let's face it - lots of us just don't feel comfortable leading stuff ourselves. We love when someone else leads, but ugh. Us? Really? For many of us, it's why we don't do Havdalah, why we don't do the full Shabbat kiddush, even when we love it. When we want it.

I know that this is the experience of many, so I tried earlier this year to create some resources. I'm sharing them here for you now. Click on the picture to get your own copy to explore. If you want to add your own audio, you can edit it in Google Slides.

First off, here is Havdalah:

And here is a Shabbat Table Service that goes along with this Shabbat Table Card:

As always, just make sure to give attribution and comment below if you use them!

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